
Rock Art Vermonster

Style and Glass: BWSA, snifter
ABV, Volume & Calories: 10 % in 22 fl oz. estimated at 400 C
Purchased at: Canal’s Lawrenceville, NJ for $4.09

Aroma: wonderful, floral, exquisite, burning.

Visuals: better design, reddish brown, hazy, long lasting thinner white head, sticky lace.

Taste: well balanced, less malt, more hops, medium high strength.

Palate: low quality, spongy, terricloth texture, longer finish.

Overall: Immensely better than its ‘younger brother’ Ridge Runner, but that’s not saying very much. Not a repeat, since I could have a great beer in the same volume at an only slightly higher price in Ruination, not a favorite, not very valuable, low craft. It’s a shame really, Rock Art has some very nice and affordable imperial IPAs.

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Your reviews are absolutely terrible. There is nothing mentioned in there about malt or hop flavors. Every single on of your “reviews” reads the exact same. I have no clue if the beer is good or not by reading this crap. What kind of malt and hop flavors are present? Citrus, spice, flowers, grass, earth, etc? What type of malt flavors are available to you. You are bad for the craft beer world and are only furthering the notion that all beer tastes the same with your lame tasting notes.”High craft, high value”…. what the fuck does this mean? That the brewer puts less time and effort into a certain beer just because you say so? Not only that but you compare a Barley Wine to a Double IPA. Give it up man. You are the pure shit of the craft beer world.


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